Bringing Back Class

So few people seem to have class these days. We live in a time in which money, greed and power seem to overtake manners, morals and common courtesy. I'm here to create a little corner of earth right here in The Big Apple where sophistication and elegance still exist and above all, where class reigns. We define classy people as those who possess elegance, the attribute of being tastefully designed and decorated, while maintaining refined grace and dignified propriety.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Girls Next Door

In one of the episodes of the much watched E! television series, The Girls Next Door , the "girls" make a personal appearance in Las Vegas and it is with little surprise that there is a huge line of people anxiously awaiting a one-on-one with them. You would think that this line would consist only of men, but I found almost as many women as men were in line. Each woman not only showed an adoration for these women, but a longing to be like them. One woman in line brought her infant son and asked one of the girls to put their autograph on his leg. This is just plain sickening. Poor baby. How is he going to grow up if his mother admires women who exploit themselves and do the equivalent of selling their bodies for money?

What is important to point out here is that these women have low self esteem and no one should strive to degrade themselves like these women do.

I also find it is interesting that no one really talks about how strange it is that these three women in their 20's are not only dating the same man, but dating someone who is the age of their grandfather. It's not to say that this age difference could never work or that a woman in her twenties couldn't possibly truly love a man in his 80's. However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize "the exchange" that is taking place inside the Playboy mansion each day. If you sleep with Heff, he'll give you fame, fortune and opportunity. So my point is that this type of relationship is unhealthy and on top of it, you have a 60 year age difference between the man and woman, which almost lends itself to fulfilling a paternal need that these women may have lacked growing up.

It would be so refreshing to see these women utilizing their strengths and talents to make something of themselves that doesn't involve using their body as a tool for making money.


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