Bringing Back Class

So few people seem to have class these days. We live in a time in which money, greed and power seem to overtake manners, morals and common courtesy. I'm here to create a little corner of earth right here in The Big Apple where sophistication and elegance still exist and above all, where class reigns. We define classy people as those who possess elegance, the attribute of being tastefully designed and decorated, while maintaining refined grace and dignified propriety.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Amanda Beard: From Olympian to Playboy

I wanted to share a letter with you that I submitted via Amanda Beard's website.

I would love for this message to be passed on to Amanda. I was so disappointed to see Amanda on the cover of FHM as well as posing nude both in Playboy and in the PETA ad. What surprises me is that she is an accomplished athlete and still chooses to degrade herself. Usually women who take this route aren't talented and they have nothing else to offer the world except their bodies. Athletes like Amanda typically don't take the easy way out. I would hope that Amanda would see the importance of being a role model to young girls who should learn that athletes (or anyone else for that matter) don't have to sell their bodies to get ahead in the world. If women are ever going to reach equal ground with men, these types of things have to stop. Women have to take a stand and say, "I'm better than exploiting myself. I don't need to do this." When sexuality is used to sell something and money is exchanged, it becomes degrading. Amanda certainly does not need to degrade herself for money. It ruins the reputation she has worked so hard to build and diminishes her athletic appeal and most of all, she loses the respect so many people had for her as an athlete and as a person.

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  • At 2:35 PM , Blogger Amy said...

    Totally agreed! What so many people fail to realize is that everyone possesses sexuality - it's not a special feat. Remember 9th grade biology? After puberty, hormones make us all sexual beings - not just the pretty ones or the popular ones but nature graces all of us. That's why society does not value people who receive money in exchange for their sexuality. Unlike athletic prowess, sexuality is not a talent or skill that one hones nor something that requires the need to work hard to achieve. Therefore, to receive money for it is the easy way out, a cop out. It is doubly exploitative for women because we have historically been thought of as valuable to society only for our sexualtiy (i.e. making and raising babies). Thankfully, that has drastically changed but as long as women like Amanda Beard continue to exploit themselves, the longer we as a group will have to continue to fight for equality.


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